The Web is for Everyone — An Accessible Path to Search Engine Optimization

A logo combining the letters SEO with an image of an individual in a wheelchair

Shepherdstown, West Virginia | September 12, 2018

Selfie of Roy Hewitt with a stuffed bengal tiger lurking over his shoulder

Roy Hewitt

Southeast Region Web Developer


  • Definitions
  • The link between Accessibility and SEO
  • What about the CMS?
  • Auditing your work
  • Questions

Slides are online! **Press the “S” key for speaker notes.

Let's start with some definitions

Search engine optimization (SEO) is often about making small modifications to parts of your website. When viewed individually, these changes might seem like incremental improvements, but when combined with other optimizations, they could have a noticeable impact on your site's user experience and performance in organic search results.


Accessibility is the practice of making your websites usable by as many people as possible — we traditionally think of this as being about people with disabilities, but really it also covers other groups such as those using mobile devices, or those with slow network connections.



  • Visual - Blindness/low vision, color blindness
  • Auditory - Deafness, degenerative hearing loss
  • Mobility - Paralysis, stroke, MS
  • Cognition - Epilepsy, autism
Letting a website know you’re using a screen reader means running around the web waving a red flag that shouts “here, I’m visually impaired or blind!” at anyone who is willing to look. It would take away the one place where we as blind people can be relatively undetected without our white cane or guide dog screaming at everybody around us that we’re blind or visually impaired, and therefore giving others a chance to treat us like true equals. Because let’s face it, the vast majority of non-disabled people are apprehensive in one way or another when encountering a person with a disability.

— Marco Zehe, Mozilla Accessibility Engineer — Why screen reader detection on the web is a bad thing

The link between SEO and Accessibility

A logo combining the letters SEO with an image of an individual in a wheelchair

Where do we begin?


Accessibility SEO Semantic HTML URLs that communicate their content Use of Headings Navigable by Keyboard Skip to Content Link Focus states Focus management Image alt text Closed captions Color contrast Legible text Transcripts Sitemap Descriptive title Description text Button/Link text Performance Progressive Enhancement Mobile Friendly

Starting with semantics

An example of well crafted HTML that describes the content accurately

The right tool for the job

HTML5 logo

Separation of concerns

Icons for the three pilars of web development: HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Proper use of headings

A screenshot of a scrollnav on the Southeast region website. The tool allows users to quickly jump between section headings.

Proper use of buttons and links

An example of poor link text -- the word 'here' is highlighted.

Wolf Creek NFH

Mobile friendly design

Desktop layout for the Nature's good neighbors campaign website Desktop layout for the Nature's good neighbors campaign website

In 2016, Google adds mobile considerations to it's search algorithm.


Google now considers site speed in search results.


  • Podcasts
  • Audio files
  • Video - 'Audio description'

What about the CMS?

An example of a page created by the new CMS

Leveraging templates

Different content files run through the same template to produce different news stories

Content creation

A screenshot of a potential data entry for to produce content in the new CMS

Auditing your work

Ever tried a screen reader?

Site Improve

Screenshot of Site Improve's homepage
  • Surface quantitative data on site quality
  • Segment data by program or region
  • Gamification: compete for the best score!
  • Works best if you leverage templates

*Data accessed on September 9, 2018

Google's Lighthouse

Screenshot of the intro to Lighthouse
Scores from google's lighthouse auditing tool

Make an impact



How does your site stack up?